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Full Version: ソースのインデント
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Curl では自動でソースの文頭がインデントされますが、


{define-proc public {split-string
                        str:String, split-str:String
    def str-ary = {StringArray}

    def found-index = {str.find-string split-str}

    {if found-index > -1 then

        {str-ary.append {str.substr 0, found-index}}
        {str-ary.append {str.substr found-index, str.size - found-index}}

        {str-ary.append str}

    {return str-ary}

{define-proc public {indent-source
                        indent-length:int = 0

    def lines = {source.split split-chars = '\n'}

    def split-str = {{Array-of StringArray}}

    {for s in lines do
        {split-str.append {split-string s, indent-string}}

    let max-indent-length:int = indent-length
    {for str-ary in split-str do
        {if str-ary.size == 2 then
            set max-indent-length = {max max-indent-length, str-ary[0].size}

    {for str-ary in split-str do
        {if str-ary.size == 2 then
            let pudding:String = ""
            {for i:int = 0 to max-indent-length - str-ary[0].size do
                set pudding = pudding & " "
            set str-ary[0] = str-ary[0] & pudding

    def ret-str:StringBuf = {StringBuf}
    {for str-ary in split-str do
        {for s in str-ary do
            {ret-str.concat s}
        {ret-str.append '\n'}

    {return {}}

{def fm = "MS ゴシック"}
{def ta-pre = {TextArea width = 7in, height = 2in, font-family = fm}}
{def ta-indent = {TextArea width = 7in, height = 2in, font-family = fm}}
{def tf-str1 = {TextField }}
{def tf-str2 = {TextField }}
{def tf-str3 = {TextField }}
{def cb-indent =
        label ="インデント",
        {on Action do
            let indented-source:String  = ""
            set indented-source =  {indent-source ta-pre.value, tf-str1.value}
            set indented-source =  {indent-source indented-source, tf-str2.value}
            set indented-source =  {indent-source indented-source, tf-str3.value}
            set ta-indent.value = indented-source
    {HBox "インデント対象文字1", tf-str1},
    {HBox "インデント対象文字2", tf-str2},
    {HBox "インデント対象文字3", tf-str3}

def test-str = "
let abc:String = \"100\" \|\| テスト用文字列
let qwertyu:#RecordGrid = null \|\| テスト用グリッド
let i:int = 1 \|\| テスト用整数"
    set ta-pre.value = test-str
    set tf-str1.value = ":"
    set tf-str2.value = "="
    set tf-str3.value = "\|\|"