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I have tested this alternative in a modified Sonntag-EventBus demo with pane and pane-container controls using both the identifier 'clear' and my preferred ScrnCommand.clear

{define-macro public
        of ?screen-spec:expression
        ?enabled:{optional {enabled? ?:statements}}
    let id:#Identifier = null
    let command-name:#Literal = null
    let str:String = "define-screen-command_unknown_token"  
            must-match? = true  
         case {pattern ?type:identifier} do
            set str = {String {input-obj.get-text}}
         case {pattern ?expr:statement} do
            {type-switch expr
             case bop:BinaryOp do
||              {output "BOP: " & bop}
||              let clss-name:String = "UnknownClass"
                {if (bop.operator == OperatorKind.Dot) then
||                  set clss-name = {String {bop.left.get-text}}  || test if class is kind of Command ?
                    set str = {String {bop.right.get-text}}
||                  {output "parsed Right: " & str}
                    {if str.empty? then                   || what else should we test ?
                        set str = "define-screen-command_parse-error"  || TODO set as a constant above
                    set str = "define-screen-command_invalid-op"  || TODO set as a constant above
||    {if not {str.equal? "define-screen-command_unknown_token"} then {output input-obj}}
    set id = {Identifier str}   || what validation does this afford ?  id is not re-used    
    set command-name = {Literal}
    || Screen class
    let screen-type:#CurlSource = null
    let screen-var-decl:#CurlSource = null
        must-match? = true
     case {pattern ?type:identifier} do
        set screen-type = type
     case {pattern ?expr:expression} do
        let valid?:bool = false
        {type-switch expr
         case sb:SingleBinding do
            {if sb.value == null and sb.type != null then
                set screen-type = {non-null sb.type}
                set screen-var-decl =
                        let ?sb = self.screen
                set valid? = true
        {if not valid? then
                "Unexpected expression '%s'",
    || Command class
    def command-class =
            {screen-type.get-text} & '_' & command-name.value
    || default constructor
    def constructor-src =
            {constructor public {default screen:?screen-type}
                {construct-super ?command-name, screen}
    || enabled? getter
    def enabled-src =
            must-match? = true
         case {pattern} do
         case {pattern {enabled? ?enabled-body:statements}} do
                {getter public {enabled?}:bool
                    {return {value ?enabled-body} and super.enabled?}
    || execute method
    def execute-src =
            {method public {execute}:void
            {define-class public ?=command-class
              {inherits {ScreenCommand-of ?screen-type}}
                    ?command-name, ?screen-type, ?command-class

The demo alternative for App.A is
|| Clear command for the content of ScreenA; note use of parameterized type
    ScrnCommand.clear of screen:AScreen  || this version uses a BinaryOp in the macro

and other changes are only self-documenting, such as in message-handler
{def clear-text-entry-field:String = ScrnCommand.clear}
    {if message == ScrnMsg.clear then
        { clear-text-entry-field}

Only define-screen-command.scurl is altered within the Sonntag framework itself.