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With the advent of HTML5 as we know it , why do you think one should use curl ?
I think the "as we know it" is an important qualifier there... Smile

HTML 5 theoretically addresses some challenges pretty well, but it doesn't do everything, and not everything it does do is done well. (Like any platform.) Some people evaluate the tradeoffs and go with HTML; SCSK's customers have instead gone with Curl. Some of those have case studies available that may better explain how each approached their particular software engineering challenge -- though I should note that these are primarily in Japanese.
One case for Curl is to have one language instead of HTML+JavaScript+CSS.

In the case of specialized markup, light-weight Curl markup can be a very strong candidate.

For literary markup, what HTML/XML can compete with

Our Ditty,
We use Curl because it's swell:
It does our markup very well -
with no end tags on which to dwell
there is an advantage as you can tell.

where the behavior of {verse } can be as simple or rich as you like.
Changes do not require changing the source file.

The expression {verse } can be a text format expression for font and such or a procedure returning a ParagraphVisual with line-numbering, live annotation entry fields etc. It can include translations or suppress translations with minimal effort.

And then there is security. Poems are trivial. Internal documents may not be. Curl comes with powerful libraries (rather like Smallalk.)

Add to that strong abilities with overlays, grids, sizing ...

I liken Curl compared to JavaScript a bit like Smalltalk compared to Java: a question of lines of code required, maintainability and simple readability. Smalltalk continues to be used in banking, finance and telecom because of those strengths - Curl, the same. As the former moves to the web, the latter moves to desktop appliations.

Hopefully Curl arrives on the server-side in time to be fairly compared to server-side JavaScript (in which ever form it finally takes.)

Of historical interest: while Curl relates to LISP at MIT, Netscape's JavaScript relates to Smalltalk via the Self language and the Strongtalk team from an outfit acquired by Sun.

Niche languages do persist: Prolog (especially with CLP or CHR) is one. Even the UNICON variant of ICON would appear to be used in a US gov't project of long-standing.

Btw, it appears that HTML5 will be, well, just whatever "HTML" evolves to be. But without JavaScript/ECMAScript/CoffeeScript what do you have for business or domain-specific needs ?

And now Curl has a Java ORB available.

Note: just like Smalltalk, many large corporations with Curl on PC desktops do not widely advertise the fact due to the nature of the application or for reasons of competitive advantage - so it is not always obvious just how many Fortune 500 corp's have mission-critical app's in these "niche" languages.
One try of the "live" code in the documentation might convince you that Curl is a serious option compared to HTML5 + JavaScript for advanced applications. Then there is the excellent debugger ... and now a testing framework, DB interface libraries, asynchronous facilities which are mature ...
Cool poem, I tried creating your peom here :p

{define-text-format public poem as paragraph with
  paragraph-justify = "center",
{define-text-format public verse as pre with
  paragraph-justify = "center",
  color="black", font-style="italic"

  Our Ditty,
    We use Curl because it's swell:
    It does our markup very well -
    with no end tags on which to dwell
    there is an advantage as you can tell.
(12-09-2011, 01:52 PM)heavybugtracker Wrote: [ -> ]{poem || minor alterations for text-formats ONLY version and punctuation
Our Ditty
We use Curl because it's swell:
It does our markup very well -
with no end tags on which to dwell,
there\'s an advantage, as you can tell.
|| I have many examples at and large texts at