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Extra Practice

Let’s use options to change the format and colors of a graph.

Practice Problem 1: Basics

Define data like that shown below, and then display a cumulative bar graph for the score1 and score2 data fields. For the x-axis label, use the name field.

let data:RecordSet = {RecordSet
                             {RecordField name, domain = String},
                             {RecordField score1, domain = int},
                             {RecordField score2, domain = int}
                         {RecordData name = Matt, score1 = 30, score2 = 45},
                         {RecordData name = Sarah, score1 = 55, score2 = 40},
                         {RecordData name = Jacob, score1 = 20, score2 = 65}

Hint: To display the cumulative graph, use stacking-mode = ChartStackingMode.stacked with BarLayer.


Solution Program: c:\Curl\Try4\04_exercise1\start.curl

{import * from CURL.GUI.CHARTS}
    let data:RecordSet =
                {RecordField name, domain = String},
                {RecordField score1, domain = int},
                {RecordField score2, domain = int}
            {RecordData name = Matt, score1 = 30, score2 = 45},
            {RecordData name = Sarah, score1 = 55, score2 = 40},
            {RecordData name = Jacob, score1 = 20, score2 = 65}
    let chart:LayeredChart = {LayeredChart
                                 height = 5cm,
                                 width = 10cm,
                                     stacking-mode = ChartStackingMode.stacked,
                                     x-axis-data = {ChartDataSeries data, name},
                                     {ChartDataSeries data, score1},
                                     {ChartDataSeries data, score2}

Practice Problem 2: Basics

Display the data used with Practice Problem 1 as a bar graph. In this problem, reverse the directions of the x- and y-axes and then display the graph.

Hint: To change the orientation of the graph, use flipped? = true with LayeredChart.


Solution Program: c:\Curl\Try4\05_exercise2\start.curl

{import * from CURL.GUI.CHARTS}
    let data:RecordSet =
                {RecordField name, domain = String},
                {RecordField score1, domain = int},
                {RecordField score2, domain = int}
            {RecordData name = Matt, score1 = 30, score2 = 45},
            {RecordData name = Sarah, score1 = 55, score2 = 40},
            {RecordData name = Jacob, score1 = 20, score2 = 65}`
    let chart:LayeredChart = {LayeredChart
                                 height = 5cm,
                                 width = 10cm,
                                 flipped? = true,
                                     x-axis-data = {ChartDataSeries data, name},
                                     {ChartDataSeries data, score1},
                                     {ChartDataSeries data, score2}

Practice Problem 3: Basics

Using the same data as that used in Practice Problem 1, display the score1 data as a bar graph, and the score2 data as a line graph, as shown in the figure below:

Hint: LayeredChart can have multiple ChartLayers.


Solution Program: c:\Curl\Try4\06_exercise3\start.curl

{import * from CURL.GUI.CHARTS}
    let data:RecordSet =
                {RecordField name, domain = String},
                {RecordField score1, domain = int},
                {RecordField score2, domain = int}
            {RecordData name = Matt, score1 = 30, score2 = 45},
            {RecordData name = Sarah, score1 = 55, score2 = 40},
            {RecordData name = Jacob, score1 = 20, score2 = 65}
    let chart:LayeredChart = {LayeredChart
                                 height = 5cm,
                                 width = 10cm,
                                     x-axis-data = {ChartDataSeries data, name},
                                     {ChartDataSeries data, score2}
                                     {ChartDataSeries data, score1}