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Full Version: RecordGrid の縦のスクロールバー
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RecordGrid の縦のスクロールバーを操作したいです。
ScrollBox であれば、get-vscroll で取得できると思いますが、
RecordGrid には、このプロパティがありません。



Curl のコアAPI の機能として提供されることを強く望みます。

{define-proc public {get-vscroll}:#Scrollbar
    let vscroll:#Scrollbar = null
        {proc {g:Graphic}:void
            {type-switch g
                case grid:Grid do
                {for c in grid.graphical-children do
                    {if {type-of c}.name == "\{DisplayFrame-of Scrollbar\}" then
                        {type-switch c
                         case bf:BaseFrame do
                            def (val:Graphic, eof?:bool) =
                            {if not eof? then
                                {type-switch val
                                 case sb:Scrollbar do
                                    set vscroll = sb
    {return vscroll}

{import * from COM.CURL.SONNTAG.LIB}
{define-class public CustomRecordGrid {inherits RecordGrid}
  {constructor public {default ...}
    {construct-super{splice ...}}

  {method public {get-vscroll}:#Scrollbar
    {return {self.get-scroll Orientation.vertical}}

  {method public {get-hscroll}:#Scrollbar
    {return {self.get-scroll Orientation.horizontal}}

  {method private {get-scroll direction:Orientation}:#Scrollbar
    let scroll:#Scrollbar = null
        ensure-ui-generated? = true,
        {proc {g:Graphic}:void
            {if {type-of g}.name == "\{DisplayFrame-of Scrollbar\}" then
                {type-switch g
                 case bf:BaseFrame do
                    def (val:Graphic, eof?:bool) =
                    {if not eof? then
                        {type-switch val
                         case sb:Scrollbar do
                            {if sb.direction == direction then
                                set scroll = sb
    {return scroll}

{def rs =
            {RecordField "a", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "b", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "c", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "d", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "e", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "f", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "g", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "h", nullable? = true},
            {RecordField "i", nullable? = true}

{def grid =
    {CustomRecordGrid record-source = rs }
{for i:int = 0 to 50 do
    def new-r = {}
    {rs.append new-r}
{VBox grid,
        label = "縦スクロールのリセット",
        {on Action do
            {if-non-null sb = {grid.get-vscroll} then
                {sb.set-scroll-value 0}
        label = "横スクロールのリセット",
        {on Action do
            {if-non-null sb = {grid.get-hscroll} then
                {sb.set-scroll-value 0}
        label = "両スクロールのリセット",
        {on Action do
            {if-non-null sb = {grid.get-vscroll} then
                {sb.set-scroll-value 0}
            {dispatch-events false}
            {if-non-null sb = {grid.get-hscroll} then
                {sb.set-scroll-value 0}