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Page 5: Sorting and Filtering Data - ashimo - 06-16-2011

Application: Sorting and Filtering Data

Create the 'Try 3-3' Project

Close the Try 3-2 project . Next from the IDE 'File' menu, select 'New Project'. In the 'New Project' dialog box, select “Applet Project” (1), input “Try3-3” (2), specify c:\Curl\lesson\Try3\03_sort_filter in the “Directory” field (3), set the API Version to 6.0 (4), and then click OK (5).

Inputting the Program

Next, we’ll input the program. You can copy the program code below or use c:\Curl\Try3\03_sort_filter\start.curl and then paste it into the editor in the IDE.

    let data:RecordSet =
                {RecordField name, domain = String},
                {RecordField age, domain = int},
                {RecordField score, domain = int},
                {RecordField city, domain = String},
                {RecordField tel, domain = String}
            {RecordData name = Matt, age = 33, score = 88, city = Cambridge, tel = 555-1567},
            {RecordData name = Sarah, age = 27, score = 79, city = Seattle, tel = 555-5692},
            {RecordData name = Jacob, age = 26, score = 90, city = Chicago, tel = 555-7259},
            {RecordData name = Miles, age = 23, score = 98, city = Miami, tel = 555-2644},
            {RecordData name = Anna, age = 27, score = 81, city = San Diego, tel = 555-9968},
            {RecordData name = Paul, age = 28, score = 86, city = Denver, tel = 555-6389},
            {RecordData name = Diana, age = 25, score = 85, city = Atlanta, tel = 555-4712}
    let rg:RecordGrid = {RecordGrid
                            record-source = data,
                            height = 3cm,
                            width = 10cm
    let sort-button:CommandButton = {CommandButton
                                        label = Sort score in descending order,
                                        {on Action do
                                            set rg.sort = score DESC
    let filter-button:CommandButton = {CommandButton
                                          label = Display data of city 'Miami',
                                          {on Action do
                                              set rg.filter = {RecordData city = Miami}
    let reverse-button:CommandButton = {CommandButton
                                           label = Cancel the filter,
                                           {on Action do
                                               set rg.filter = null
    {rg.set-frozen-region 0, 1}

Save the File, and then Execute the Program

After inputting the code, save the file, and then execute the program. The following result will appear in your browser.