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05-27-2013, 07:32 PM,
RE: レコードの挿入で一番上の行が選択されてしまう
ヘルプを見ると、 「既存のインデックスおよび選択したものを保存する」とありますね。



{curl 8.0 applet}
{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "utf8"}
{applet manifest = "manifest.mcurl",
    {compiler-directives careful? = true}
{let people:RecordSet =
            {RecordField "index", caption = "No.", domain = int},
            {RecordField "First", domain = String},
            {RecordField "Last", domain = String},
            {RecordField "Age", domain = int}

{for i:int = 0 to 10 do
    {people.append {RecordData index = i + 1, Age = i + 1}}
{define-class public SortrderGrid {inherits RecordGrid}
  {constructor public {default
                          record-source:#RecordSet = null,
    {construct-super {splice ...}}
    set self.record-source = record-source
  ||RecordSet からはこのイベントは発生しないため、
  ||継承したグリッドの sort セッターで無理やり発生させている
  {setter public {sort sort:#RecordSort}:void
    {if-non-null rs = self.record-source then
        {rs.handle-event {RecordsReordered}}
    set super.sort = sort
  {setter public {record-source rs:#RecordSet}:void
    set super.record-source = rs

    {if-non-null rs = self.record-source then
            {on e:RecordsChanged  at rs:RecordSet  do
                {type-switch e
                 case ra:RecordAdded do
                    def insert-index =  self.current-index + 1
                    {with rs.batch-events? = true do
                        {for idx:int = rs.size above 0  do
                            {if insert-index <= idx then
                                {if-non-null select-record =
                                        filter = {RecordFilter
                                                     {proc {r:Record}:bool
                                                         {if r["index"] asa int == idx then
                                                             {return true}
                                                             {return false}
                                    } then
                                    set select-record["index"] = idx + 1
                        set ra.record["index"] = insert-index
                        {if-non-null sort = self.sort then
                            set super.sort = {RecordSort.concat sort, {RecordSort.from-string "index"}}
                 case ra:RecordModified do
                 case rr:RecordRemoved do
                 case ro:RecordsReordered do
                 case rbc:RecordsBulkChanges do
                {after 0s do
                        self.records.batch-events? = true ,
                        rs.batch-events? = true do
                        {for r key idx:int in self.records do
                            set r["index"] = idx + 1

        {rs.handle-event {RecordsReordered }}

{def grid =
        key-spec = RecordSetDisplay.preserve-indices,
        record-source = people,
        height = 5in,
        width = 5in
    label = "挿入",
    {on Action do
        {if-non-null rs = grid.record-source then
            {rs.append {RecordData}}
    label = "削除",
    {on Action do
        {if-non-null r = grid.current-record then
{value grid}

Messages In This Thread
RE: レコードの挿入で一番上の行が選択されてしまう - by umemura - 05-27-2013, 07:32 PM
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