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12-10-2013, 11:48 AM,
RE: グリッド内にボタンを表示したい
できれば、通常のコマンドボタンのように、EventHandler の追加を行いたいです。


{define-class public CustomCommandButtonCell {inherits StandardRecordGridCell}

  field public button:CommandButton =
        width = 40pt,
        active-traversal-container = null,
        vorigin = 0.0,
        horigin = 0.0,
        label-inset = 2px,
        test-visible? = false,
        takes-focus? = false

  {method public {on-key-press ev:KeyPress}:void
    {super.on-key-press ev}
    {switch ev.value
    case KeyPressValue.enter, do

  field _do-action-proc:#{proc-type{r:#Record, rs:#RecordSet, cell:#RecordGridCell}:void} = null

  {constructor public {default
                          label:String = "command-button",
                          do-action-proc:#{proc-type{r:#Record, rs:#RecordSet, cell:#RecordGridCell}:void} = null
        {on Action do

    set self._do-action-proc = do-action-proc
    set self.button.label = label
    set self.button.width = {make-elastic}
    {self.add-internal replace? = true, self.button}

  {method public {do-action}:void
    def record-set =
        {if-non-null self.record, rs = self.record.record-set then
    {self._do-action-proc self.record, record-set, self}

{define-class public CustomCommandButtonColumn {inherits RecordGridColumn}

  {constructor public {default
                          column-resizable?:bool = false,
                          label:String = "command-button",
                          do-action-proc:#{proc-type{r:#Record, rs:#RecordSet, cell:#RecordGridCell}:void} = null,
        column-resizable? = column-resizable?,
        {splice ...}}

    set self.cell-spec =
        {proc {col:RecordGridColumn}:RecordGridCell
            def cell = {CustomCommandButtonCell
                           label = label,
                           do-action-proc = do-action-proc
            {return cell}

{define-proc public {insert-record

    {with record-set.batch-events? = true do
        {for r in record-set do
            def tmp-index = r[index-field] asa int
            {if tmp-index >= index then
                set  r[index-field] = tmp-index + 1
        set record[index-field] = index
        {record-set.append record}


{def rs =
            {RecordField "RECORD-INDEX", domain = int, caption = "No."},
            {RecordField "First", domain = String, caption = "苗字"},
            {RecordField "Last", domain = String, caption = "名前"}
{def grid = {RecordGrid }}

    set grid.columns  =
        {{Array-of RecordGridColumn}
            {RecordGridColumn "RECORD-INDEX", width = 10mm, halign = "right"},
                label = "分割",
                width = 15mm,
                do-action-proc =
                    {proc {r:#Record, rs:#RecordSet, cell:#RecordGridCell}:void
                        ||r:#Record ・・・ ボタン押下を行ったレコード
                        ||rs:#RecordSet ・・・ 上記レコードを含むレコードセット
                        ||cell:#RecordGridCell ・・・ ボタンが格納されているセル
                        {if-non-null r, rs then
                            {with rs.batch-events? = true do
                                def new-r = {}
                                set new-r["First"] = r["First"]

                                    rs,  ||挿入対象のレコードセット
                                    new-r,  ||挿入するレコード

                                    r["RECORD-INDEX"] asa int  + 1,

                                    ||グラフィックで、 RecordGrid.sort に指定したフィールド名と合わせてください。
            {RecordGridColumn "First"},
            {RecordGridColumn "Last"}

    set grid.record-source = rs

    set grid.sort = "RECORD-INDEX"

{with rs.batch-events? = true do
    {for i:int = 1 to 10 do
        def new-r = {}
        set new-r["RECORD-INDEX"] = i
        set new-r["First"] = "ABC"
        set new-r["Last"] = "DEF"
        {rs.append new-r}

{value grid}

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RE: グリッド内にボタンを表示したい - by umemura - 12-10-2013, 11:48 AM
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