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Getting Started1:Creating a Simple Applet: Hello World
08-15-2016, 03:50 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 04:27 PM by dyoshida.)
RE: Getting Started1:Creating a Simple Applet: Hello World
Probably I think that your default browser is Google chrome or Microsoft edge.
Because Google chrome not supported NPAPI, chrome cannot display an applet in the the browser window.

Please refer this news release. (However, the language is Japanese)

Therefore, I think it better to use a detached applets (.dcurl).
Step1. Create new curl project and select detached applets type.
Step2. Open start.dcurl file. You can see the code, such as:
{curl 8.0 applet}
{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "shift-jis"}
{applet manifest = "manifest.mcurl",
    {compiler-directives careful? = true}

    {Frame width = 8cm, height = 8cm},
    visibility = "normal",
    {on WindowClose do

Step3. Please modify "Frame" like this.
{Frame width = 8cm, height = 8cm,
    "Hello World"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Getting Started1:Creating a Simple Applet: Hello World - by dyoshida - 08-15-2016, 03:50 PM

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