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Dokumente in deutscher Sprache
10-29-2011, 04:37 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-29-2011, 04:46 AM by RobertShiplett.)
Dokumente in deutscher Sprache
I have placed two large German documents of historical, religious and literary value in

They are to the German language rather as Shakespeare is to English: here the language took its present shape.

One is Die Bibel in Luther's original translation in HTML-only on a single page: this is a 4.5 Mb document of over 980 pages of UTF-8 text.

It was then only a small task to convert this large text to being a Curl TocDocument. The trickiest part was to handle the Interpunkt or HTML MIDDOT characters in the alternate index at the top the page. The dots must always follow the items even as the page is resized to a narrow format ( which may take 10-20 seconds for this huge document.) The issue of UNICODE space characters I have raised previously ....

I opted for, e.g.,

{text text-preserve-whitespace? = true, {link href={url "#haggai"}, Haggai} \u00B7 }

which could easily be re-cast as a Curl macro.

The URL for the Curl version is or lutherbibel.curl
The URL for the HTML version is

My interest in the document is as a translator of German poetry, so I have added references for such poetic items as "Behemoth".

One frustration is that the text must be prepared off-line and only the HTML version "folds" correctly in my preferred programming editor - reducing to some 120 lines as each book is wrapped in a DIV (but the book titles not.)

In the Curl version, if you visit a Book from the left index or the in-document header-index and then wish to return to the top, you can use a single tap on UP arrow at any Book header to expose a Curl {destination } link within the text for the in-document Index. This permits the page to be used as a non-TOC document with only a change to the {document-style }.

Most of the many {destination } links are empty of text so that the text is left untouched as much as possible except for line numberings.

My next conversion from HTML to Curl will be the novel Hyperion, by Hoelderlin, also at

TIP: to use the Curl text search instead of the browser's, click in the text area before doing CTRL-F
Robert Shiplett, Curlr
Fredericton NB


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