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jinja2 templates for Curl
06-14-2013, 08:33 AM,
jinja2 templates for Curl
Here is the Curl applet output by a jinja2 template on my test server:
Curl test page

We are displaying Unicode utf-8 as Unicode brace-tagged content.

This text is emitted by a Unicode jinja2 template using Japanese quotation characters as the markup delimiters within the utf-8 text source.

No Curl braces or parentheses occur in the markup delimiters.


"brace-tagged" in this case means that the delimiters are Unicode brace characters OTHER THAN our '{' and '}' Curl brace characters - and no parentheses are used in the tag delimiters with the template.

Most web server templating is aimed at HTML or XHTML, but Jinja2 templates for Python web servers are quite agnostic. All templates are themselves utf-8.

In my experiment I have used \u300c, 300D, 3014, 3015 and 3008 with \u3009 - although other possibilities are readily available using other quotation devices.

Perhaps what is not immediately obvious is that the template ITSELF can be tested as to whether - barring substitutions - one has a valid Curl applet !

In such a test run, that Curl applet appears in the browser with items such as

「tag 」

which would be populated by the template.

My next task is the generate THIS template from lighter markup such that a test run of a page of poetry would appear with tags such as

「verse01 」

「verse02 」

「verse03 」

within their respective Curl visual, graphic or markup macros such as

「verse01 」
「verse02 」
「verse03 」

This is just one step-closer to server-side Curl for my poetry markup projects !

Robert Shiplett, Curlr
Fredericton NB


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