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Page 7: Summary
06-20-2011, 01:09 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-23-2011, 04:19 PM by ashimo.)
Page 7: Summary
TRY 4 Summary

Two types of graphs: LayeredChart & PieChart


Used to create a graph on which data is plotted in two dimensions, with an x- and y-axis

    { Specification of each layer
        x-axis-data =
            {ChartDataSeries data RecordSet, RecordField used for X-axis label}
        {ChartDataSeries data RecordSet, RecordField that is plotted}
        ||  Specify ChartDataSeries only for the RecordField value to be graphed


        label-data =
            {ChartDataSeries data RecordSet, RecordField used as label},
        {ChartDataSeries data RecordSet, RecordField that is plotted}
        ||  Specify ChartDataSeries only for the RecordField value to be graphed

  • The graph axes can be set flexibly using top-axis, bottom-axis, left-axis, and right-axis.
  • Any changes to the RecordSet data are automatically reflected on the graph.
  • Declaring Curl array variables

Declaring array variables

let array-variable-name:{Array-of element-type-name} =
          {{Array-of element-type-name} element 1, element 2, …}

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