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Curl in Chrome browser
12-03-2012, 10:54 PM,
Curl in Chrome browser
With the latest update to either Chrome or Curl, my Curl applets ceased to run with the symptom of undetected plugin.

Since Chrome is not listing the plugin ( wise Google considers it a "seldom used plugin" ?!? ) I have had to go to the inner URL


and set the Curl plugins to ALWAYS RUN

Note : they were NOT disabled even on that page !

Unlike Java, the user gets no notice that permission is required and no "Kodak-gray-puzzle-piece" came up to request permission as in the case of say, Ad_be Fl_sh, under my Chrome settings.

Should we add this to a note for first-time downloaders ?

Robert Shiplett, Curlr
Fredericton NB

01-10-2013, 04:17 PM,
RE: Curl in Chrome browser
Is cURL outputting the user agent string exactly the same as your browser?

Reason i ask is yahoo are known for not liking some browsers and if they
can't recognise a browser (eg curl screws up the name or puts in a line
terminator) then their configuration might not want to serve you /

They don't like Seamonkey at all and refuse to allow it access to the new yahoo.

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