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Page 8: Extra Practice
06-20-2011, 01:55 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-23-2011, 04:35 PM by ashimo.)
Page 8: Extra Practice
Extra Practice

Practice Problem 1: Basics

Let’s take the example from Basics 1 and create a TabContainer with a label displayed on the right. Furthermore, in the initial display, have the "Page 2" tab displayed.

Hint: We can specify the position of a label using the tab-placement of a TabContainer. In TabPane, for the item that is to be displayed initially, the value of show? should be true.


Solution Program: c:\Curl\Try6\04_exercise1\start.curl

    let tab-container:TabContainer =
            control-color = #EEFFFF,
            tab-placement = right,
                label = Page 1,
                margin = 5pt,
                Contents of Page 1
                label = Page 2,
                margin = 5pt,
                show? = true,
                {image source = {url curl_logo.gif}}
                label = Page 3,
                margin = 5pt,
                    spacing = 5pt,
                    Display of multiple objects using a VBox,
                    {image source = {url curl_logo.gif}}


Using the tab-placement option, we can place the label on any side of the tab container (top, bottom, left, right). And, by setting show?=true, we can specify which pane is initially displayed.

Practice Problem 2: Application

In the “Application” section, we used tabs to switch panes. Here we’ll modify the layout, create a navigation section, and provide a means of switching the content by pressing a command button.

Hint: To replace dynamic content, use a Frame. Frame.add has a keyword parameter replace?. If replace? is true, then the Frame's previous child, if any, will be replaced with a the specified graphical object.


Solution Program: c:\Curl\Try6\05_exercise2\start.curl
  • Use the same make-chart.scurl file that was used in Try 6-3.

{include make-chart.scurl}
    let name-field:TextField = {TextField width = 100pt}
    let age-field:TextField = {TextField width = 100pt}
    let score-field:TextField = {TextField width = 100pt}
    let data:RecordSet = {RecordSet
                                 {RecordField name, domain = String},
                                 {RecordField age, domain = int},
                                 {RecordField score, domain = int}
                             {RecordData name = Matt, age = 33, score = 88},
                             {RecordData name = Sarah, age = 27, score = 79},
                             {RecordData name = Jacob, age = 26, score = 90}
    let header:HBox = {HBox
                          background = skyblue,
                          margin = 5pt,
                          {image source = {url curl_logo.gif}},
                          {bold {big color = white, Curl Sample Application}},
                          {image source = {url curl_logo.gif}}
    let input-form:VBox = {VBox
                              spacing = 5pt,
                              {Table columns = 2,
                                  Name, name-field,
                                  Age, age-field,
                                  Score, score-field
                                  label = Add data,
                                  {on Action do
                                              name = name-field.value,
                                              age = age-field.value,
                                              score = score-field.value
    let content1:VBox = {VBox
                            spacing = 10pt,
                            margin = 5pt,
                                record-source = data,
                                height = 100pt
    let content2:VBox = {VBox
                            spacing = 10pt,
                            halign = center,
                            {bold Score Age Graph},
                            {make-chart data, type = area}
    let content-holder:Frame = {Frame
                                   halign = center,
                                   valign = center,
                                   background = aliceblue,
                                   width = {make-elastic},
                                   height = 300pt,
    let navigation:VBox = {VBox
                              halign = center,
                              background = mediumseagreen,
                              spacing = 5pt,
                              height = 300pt,
                              width = 100pt,
                                  label = Page 1,
                                  {on Action do
                                      {content-holder.add replace? = true, content1}
                                  label = Page 2,
                                  {on Action do
                                      {content-holder.add replace? = true, content2}
    let footer:HBox = {HBox
                          background = skyblue,
                          width = {make-elastic},
                          height = 30pt
        width = 500pt,
            valign = top,


Frame is used to replace dynamic content. We use the replace?=true option on the add method. This method is often used to implement page transitions in Curl applications.

Messages In This Thread
Page 8: Extra Practice - by ashimo - 06-20-2011, 01:55 PM

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