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Page 5: Application: Creating the Screen Layout
06-20-2011, 01:46 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-23-2011, 04:33 PM by ashimo.)
Page 5: Application: Creating the Screen Layout
Application: Creating the Screen Layout

Let’s use a combination of graphical containers to create a screen layout. We’ll also look at how we can use Curl code that is written in a separate file and access it from within start.curl.

Create the 'Try 6-3' Project

Close the Try 6-2 project and then, from the IDE 'File' menu, select 'New Project'. In the 'New Project' dialog box, select “Applet Project” (1), input “Try6-3” (2), specify c:\Curl\lesson\Try5\03_create_layout_1 in the “Directory” field (3), set the API Version to 6.0 (4), and then click OK (5).

Inputting the Program

Copy the curl_logo.gif file from c:\Curl\Try6\03_create_layout_1 and paste it into c:\Curl\lesson\Try6\03_create_layout_1, and then input the following program. You can copy the program code below or use c:\Curl\Try6\03_create_layout_1\start.curl and then paste it into the editor in the IDE.

    let name-field:TextField = {TextField width = 100pt}
    let age-field:TextField = {TextField width = 100pt}
    let score-field:TextField = {TextField width = 100pt}
    let data:RecordSet = {RecordSet
                                 {RecordField name, domain = String},
                                 {RecordField age, domain = int},
                                 {RecordField score, domain = int}
                             {RecordData name = Matt, age = 33, score = 88},
                             {RecordData name = Sarah, age = 27, score = 79},
                             {RecordData name = Jacob, age = 26, score = 90}
    let header:HBox = {HBox
                          background = skyblue,
                          margin = 5pt,
                          {image source = {url curl_logo.gif}},
                          {bold {big color = white, Curl Sample Application}},
                          {image source = {url curl_logo.gif}}
    let input-form:VBox = {VBox
                              spacing = 5pt,
                              {Table columns = 2,
                                  Name, name-field,
                                  Age, age-field,
                                  Score, score-field
                                  label = Add data,
                                  {on Action do
                                              name = name-field.value,
                                              age = age-field.value,
                                              score = score-field.value
    let tab-container:TabContainer = {TabContainer
                                         width = {make-elastic},
                                         height = 300pt,
                                             label = Page 1,
                                                 spacing = 10pt,
                                                 margin = 5pt,
                                                     record-source = data,
                                                     height = 100pt
                                             label = Page 2
    let footer:HBox = {HBox
                          background = skyblue,
                          width = {make-elastic},
                          height = 30pt
        width = 600pt,

Save the program, and then execute it. Provided no errors occur, the layout is as shown in Figures 6-15 and 6-16, proceed to the next step.

Creating a New File

Next, from the IDE “File” menu, select “New Project.” In the \[New\] dialog box, a \[New File\] tab will be displayed. As shown in Figure 6-18, select \[empty .scurl file\] (1), input make-chart.scurl as the file name (2), specify c:\Curl\lesson\Try6\03create_layout_1 (3), place a check mark in the “Make this file part of the current project” check box (4), and then click \[OK\].

Confirm that this file has been added to the project. Figure 6-20 shows the contents of the file that is added to the project.

Adding Content to the New File

Input the following content to the make-chart.scurl file. Or, if you prefer, you can copy the content from c:\Curl\Try6\03 create_layout_1\make-chart.scurl and then paste it into the editor.

{import * from CURL.GUI.CHARTS}
{define-proc {make-chart rs:RecordSet, type:String = bar}:LayeredChart
    let chart:LayeredChart = {LayeredChart
                                 height = 150pt, width = 200pt
    let layer:#ChartLayer = {switch type
                             case bar do {BarLayer}
                             case line do {LineLayer}
                             case area do {AreaLayer}
                             else null
    {if-non-null layer then
        set layer.x-axis-data = {ChartDataSeries rs, name}
        {layer.append-data-series {ChartDataSeries rs, score}}
        {layer.append-data-series {ChartDataSeries rs, age}}
        {chart.append-chart-layer layer}
    {return chart}

Adding Code to start.curl

Open the start.curl file using the editor. Add the following source code between the herald declaration and the value expression.

{include [color=red]make-chart.scurl[/color]}

Next, look at the location of the tab-container variable. You’ll see that nothing is included in the second page tab. Immediately after label = ”second page” add a comma (,). After the comma, add the following source code.

{make-chart data, type = [color=red]area[/color]}

Save the File, and then Execute the Program

After inputting the code, save the file, and then execute the program. Then, display the second page tab and check that the graph has been added.

Input a value into the input form on the first page tab (1), and then click the Add data button (2). The input data will be added.

Look at the second page tab. As a result of adding the data, the graph is also modified.

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